Production And Costing by G. B. S. Narang, V. Kumar
Book Summary:
The main purpose of the book is to give the student a vivid basic view of various aspects of production and costing in harmony with currents trends towards a more fundamental approach in technical education. Attempts have been made to bring together, under one cover varied topics, facts, figures and principles of the wide field of the subject. Throughout the book, emphasis has been laid upon easy, simple and clear descriptions, practical illustrations, well-conceived and logically developed subject matter. Various complex topics have been discussed point-wise and supported by practical examples wherever possible. The language used is intelligible and lucid.
The audience of the Book :
This book is Useful for Mechanical Engineering students.
Key Features:
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Estimating
2. Elements of Cost
3. Analysis of Overhead Expenses
4. Budget and Budgetary Control
5. Costing Machines and Tools
6. Estimation of Machining Time
7. Costing for Metal Forming and Fabrication Processes
8. Production, Planning and Control
9. Inspection and Quality Control
10. Labour and Industrial Laws
11. Wages and Incentives
12. Control and Record-Keeping of Men, Materials and Machines
13. Entrepreneurship
14. Accidents and Safety