Principles and Practices of Weed Management

Principles and Practices of Weed Management

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Product Specifications

Publisher Agrobios Publications All Agronomy books by Agrobios Publications
ISBN 9788177545463
Author: S C Panda
Number of Pages 477
Available in all digital devices
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Principles and Practices of Weed Management - Page 1 Principles and Practices of Weed Management - Page 2 Principles and Practices of Weed Management - Page 3 Principles and Practices of Weed Management - Page 4 Principles and Practices of Weed Management - Page 5

Principles and Practices of Weed Management by S C Panda
Book Summary:

This book will be of immense use in imparting knowledge on the basic principles of weed Management and Practices on crop Production and applied aspects of integrated farming Systems for students, teachers,scientists,extension workers and professionals engaged in agricultural development.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Agronomy.
Table of Contents:
  1. Introduction
  2. Weeds and their Occurrence
  3. Classification of Weeds
  4. Harmful and Beneficial Effects of Weeds
  5. Crop Weed Association
  6. Weed Sampling Techniques
  7. Crop Ecology and Agro- Ecological Zones of India
  8. Weed Biology
  9. Methods of Weed Control
  10. Classification of Herbicides
  11. Herbicide Formulations
  12. Herbicide Application
  13. Adjuvants and Safenrs
  14. Herbicide Combinations, Rotations and Interactions
  15. Weed Survey and Mapping
  16. Weed Management in Orchards, Forestry and Non-Cropped Areas
  17. Waste Land Management
  18. Crop Residue Management
  19. Management of Pasture Lands in the Arid
  20. Vermiculture Biotechnology
  21. Biofertilizers
  22. Precision Nutrient Management and Precision Farming
  23. Wed and Pest Management in Organic Farming
  24. Modern Concepts of Agricultural Research
  25. Future Guide Line and Conclusion
  26. Terminology of Weed Science and Related 
  27. Botanical Terms