We are happy to place this book “T.Y.B.Sc. Practical Physics (Part-I & II)” in the hands of B.Sc. students and teachers as per new syllabus. This book envisages the revised syllabus which is implemented from the academic year 2015-16. It is general impression of physics students that physics practicals are very difficult, hence the experimental matter is prescribed in a simple and lucid manner with the help of neat and clear figures of instruments.
This book gives a brief description of experiments of physics which are chosen as per the latest curriculum. The experiments include oscillations, waves, sound, optics, electronics, instrumentation, computer and demonstrations. Each experiment is discussed with Aim, Apparatus, Diagram, Procedure, Observations, Observation table, Formulae and Results. The theory of experiment is presented in brief in the principle with necessary formula and its explanation.
This book Useful for B.Sc students.
Part - I
1. Coefficient of Viscosity of liquid using Rotating cylinder method
2. Moment of Inertia by Bifilar suspension
3. Young’s modulus by Newton’s rings
4. Young’s modulus by Koeing method
5. Determination of wavelength of light by Michelson’s interferometer
6. Surface tension of liquid by Fergusson method
7. Surface tension of mercury by Quincke’s method
8. Study of Hall's Effect
9. Energy band gap of semiconductors
10. Study of X-ray spectra
11. Resistivity by Four probe method
12. Platinum resistance thermometer
13. Determination of Rydberg’s constant
14. Lloyd’s mirror
15. Determination of Resolving Power of grating
16. Determination of wavelength by Constant deviation spectrometer
17. Verification of Stefan’s law by torch bulb filament
18. Thermal conductivity by Forbes method
19. Thermal conductivity of rubber tubing
20. Characteristics of G.M. tube
21. Inverse square law (g-rays)
22. Specific charge (e/m) by Thomson's method
23. Determination of Planck’s constant
24. Self Inductance by Anderson’s bridge
25. Core losses in transformers
26. Electromagnetic pendulum
27. Self Inductance by Maxwell’s bridge
Part - II
1. Characteristics of JFET (not for advance electronics)
2. Design and built astable multivibrator using IC 555 (not for advance electronics)
3. IC 723 as regulated power supply (not for advance electronics)
4. Instrumentation amplifier using three op-amps (not for basic electronics)
5. Temperature controller using thermistor temperature sensors (not for basic electronics)
6. Object counter (two digit) (not for basic electronics)
7. Study of LVDT (not for basic electronics)
8. Frequency response of loudspeaker (twitter, woofer, mid-range)
9. Study of interference by Quincke’s method
10. Use of Ultrasonic interferometer to measure velocity of sound in liquids
11. Study of diffraction using a reflection grating (metal ruler)
12(a) Study of the characteristics of a laser beam
12(b) Divergence of laser beam
13. Determination of the diameter of a thin wire using a laser beam
14. Charging and discharging of capacitor and RC time constant
15. Velocity of sound using Computer interface
16. IV Characteristics of diode
17. Factorial of a number
18. To find out the first 100 prime numbers
19. Matrix multiplication
20. Graphics (line, circle, ellipse)
21. Roots of polynomial (Newton Raphson)
22. Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rule