Plant Life & Utilization - I by Dr. K. N. Dhumal, Dr. B. P. Shinde, Dr. H. S. Patil, Dr. B. M. Gaykar, Dr. K. S. Bhosale, Dr. K. N. Gaikwad
Book Summary:
With the advent of frontiers of Plant Science and ever changing expectations from industry and society, it has become imperative to relook and redesign the structure and content of our Botany syllabi to make it contemporary and highly relevant with Globalisation. Considering this the authorities of SPPU and BOS in Botany have taken appropriate steps to go for Choice Based Credit System (CBCS), which will play enormously significant role in building of New Bharat of tomorrow.
This book “Plant Life and Utilization-I for Semester I, Paper I is written strictly as per the new syllabus by referring the standard reference books. So that the students will be able to understand the subject very easily. This will make their concepts very clear.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B.Sc Students.
Table of Content:
1. Introduction to Plant Kingdom
2. Algae
3. Lichens
4. Fungi
5. Bryophytes