Plant Biosynthesis by Dr. S. S. Khadabadi, Dr. S. L. Deore, B. A. Baviskar
Book Summary:
This edition of our book "Plant biosynthesis" has brought in a flood of approval from teachers and students alike. Our goal, from the beginning was to provide the basics of the subject in simple and lucid language.
The present edition has been completely revised and restructured. In revising the book we took the opportunity to correct, rewrite and rearrange material, improve the index, focus on the most fundamental and add only the most essential to improve readability and comprehension of the subject. Major effort has gone into adding and updating the bibliography, with the aim of referring to the most recent publications. Biosynthetic pathways of vitamin B12, folic acid, Reserpine, imidazole alkaloid-pilocarpine have been added in this second edition of this book.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B. Pharma and M. Pharma student.
Table of Contents:
1. Plant Metabolism
2. Biogenesis
3. Carbohydrates
4. Acetate Pathway
5. Shikimic Acid Pathway
6. Isoprenoid Pathway / Acetate Mevalonate Pathway
7. Alkaloid Biosynthesis
Further Readings