Physical And Inorganic Chemistry

Physical And Inorganic Chemistry

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Product Specifications

Publisher Nirali Prakashan All Chemistry books by Nirali Prakashan
Author: Dr. C. M. Bhavsar, Dr. T. J. Patil
Number of Pages 161
Edition First Edition
Available in all digital devices
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Physical And Inorganic Chemistry - Page 1 Physical And Inorganic Chemistry - Page 2 Physical And Inorganic Chemistry - Page 3 Physical And Inorganic Chemistry - Page 4 Physical And Inorganic Chemistry - Page 5

Physical And Inorganic Chemistry by Dr. C. M. Bhavsar, Dr. T. J. Patil
Book Summary:

We have a great pleasure in presenting this book on 'Physical and Inorganic Chemistry'. This book is written strictly according to the new revised CBCS Pattern syllabus and guidelines prepared by the board of studies in chemistry of North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for the First Year B. Sc. students in force from the academic year 2018 for Semester-I and II.

The aim of the book is to provide a concise information of each topic in a lucid and simple language so that a normal student follows the concept very easily. The unique feature of the book is the simplified treatment of the topics.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B.Sc student.
Table of Contents:

1. Electrolytic Conductance

2. Surface Chemistry

3. Mathematical Preparation In Chemistry

4. Periodic Properties

5. s-Block Elements