Multimedia And Animation (HSC Vocational) by Ms. Renuka Zope, Prashant Jawalkar, Shreeram Gholap
Book Summary:
We are glad to introduce this book entitled 'Multimedia and Animation', Paper-III for the students of Standard XII taking H.S.C. Vocational Subjects, Engineering and Technology Group, Computer Technology.
While writing this book, more attention is placed on explaining multimedia and animation. We hope that this book will provide necessary and sufficient information of this subject.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Clas-XII students.
Table of Contents:
1. Multimedia Objects (10 P)
2. Presentation Techniques (10 P)
3. Macromedia Flash (30 P)
4. Macromedia Director (30 P)
5. 2D and 3D Animation (40 P)