This book Useful for Electronics & Telecom Students.
1. Design of Elementary Components
2. Power Supplies and Filters
3. Design of Regulated power Supplies
4. Design of Ie Regulated Power Supply Using Three Terminal Regulators
5. Switch Mode Power Supplies
6. Uninterruptihle Power Supplies (UPS)
7. Design of Heat sink
8. Design of Printed Circuit Boards
9. Batteries and Battery Chargers
10. Analysis of Voltage Amplifiers
11. Design of Small Signal Voltage Amplifiers
12. The Operational Amplifier
13. Design of Composite Amplifiers
14. Feedback Principles and Design of Feedback Amplifiers
15. Power Amplifier Design
16. Design of High Frequency Amplifiers
17. Design of Oscillators
18. Design of Communication Systems
19. Design of an Electronic Voltmeter
20. Digital Logic Design and Codes
21. Design of Logic Gates
22. Design of Switching Circuits
23. Application of Integrated Circuits-Timer
24. Design of Integrated Circuit Systems
25. Digital Circuit Design
26. Design of Digital Counters
27. Design of Semi Conductor Memories
28. Analog to Digital and Digital to Analog Converters
29. Phase Locked Loop
30. Elements of Microprocessor
31. Microprocessor Support Chips