Microcontrollers and Embedded Systems eBook
About the Book
This book has been written in a very different fashion with specific objectives. Firstly, it covers both CISC and RISC processors. Secondly, it will be useful for both students and practicing engineers. Further, it will be useful for the beginners as well as experts or designers who are using microcontrollers. For the beginners it serves as a learning module whereas for the practitioners it serves as a practical guide. Coverage of more than one microcontroller is another unique feature of this book. This text considers MCS-51 as a
starting point. It also covers the popular PIC microcontrollers from Microchip which use the RISC architecture. Interfacing and several industrial applications of microcontrollers is another salient feature of the book
The book is organized into 9 chapters:
Chapter 1: It covers the complete introduction to microcontrollers, their potential in industrial applications and the history of microcontrollers. Concepts such as the CISC and RISC processors, embedded and external memory devices are covered. A brief idea about the available microcontrollers from Intel and Microchip and is given for the purpose of comparison.
Chapter 2: Is mainly targeted towards learning MCS-51 products. Their architectural features along with registers, Pin diagram, basic connections and memory organization are covered in this chapter. I/O port structure is also discussed in this chapter. Emphasis is laid on the hardware aspect of the 8051 microcontroller. This chapter also covers the addressing modes supported by MCS-51.
Chapter 3: The MCS-51 instruction set prepares for using the MCS-51 instructions of writing simple programs. Operations with registers, stack memory, etc. are discussed initiating programming the 8051 microcontroller.
Chapter 4: The programming aspects of 8051 microcontrollers are covered in this chapter 4 is also devoted to the interrupt, timer counting and serial communication facilities supported by 8051. Hardware aspects and several programming examples are the major highlights of this chapter.
Chapter 5: Interfacing and design applications are covered. This is to penetrate the design issues in general. Therefore, interfacing data input and presentation devices are the issues discussed in this chapter and LCD, keyboard, ADC appliations are focused. The whole idea is to emphasise the hardware interfacing and programming issues of all MCS-51 microcontrollers.
Chapter 6: Describe the programmable interface controller and its family in detail with SPI and I2C mode.
Chapter 7: Presents the basic concepts of embedded systems and reviews trends in embedded software development and the issues in developing embedded software. It also provides the introduction of operating system types of embedded operating systems. It also discuss the issue involved in embedded software development. The focus is on the process of embedded software development, comparing and contrasting the application software development with embedded software development. It also presents the case study of embedded system. It’s also described the hardware and software languages used for embedded system.
Chapte 8: Discuss about PPI and its interfacing with microprocessor.
Chapter 9: Discuss about Intel 8096 and MC68HC11 microcontroller