Medicinal Plants Cultivation : A Scientific Approach

Medicinal Plants Cultivation : A Scientific Approach

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Product Specifications

Publisher Agrobios Publications All Medicinal Plants books by Agrobios Publications
ISBN 9788177542141
Author: Purohit SS
Number of Pages 695
Available in all digital devices
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Medicinal Plants Cultivation : A Scientific Approach by Purohit SS
Book Summary:
The purpose of the present book to gives overall information about general cultivation practices of medicinal plants. Individual plant has also been discussed with its cultivation techniques. Procedure for getting financial aids through various financial agencies has also been mentioned.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Medicinal Plants.
Table of Contents:

SECTION 1: GENERAL PRACTICES OF CULTIVATION, Processing and Financial Guidelines

1. Medicinal Plants: Present and Future

2. Classification, Identification and Naming of Medicinal Plants

3. Production and Management of Medical Plans on Farms

4. Cultivation of Medicinal Plants: An Eco-Friendly Approach

5. Mulching Practices

6. Propagation of Medicinal Plants

7. Diseases of Medicinal Plants

8. Pests and Pest Management in Medicinal Plants

9. Harvest Technology and Value Addition of Medicinal Plants

10. Who Guidelines for the Assessment of Herbal Medicines

11. Improvement of Medicinal Plants

12. Conservation Strategies of Medicinal Plants

13. Medicinal Plants in Trade

14. National Medicinal Plans Board

15. Sources of Financial Aids for Medicinal Plant Cultivation


1. Abelmosclms moschatus Linn. (Maskdana)

2. Acacia arabica Lamk. Willd (Babul)

3. Acacia catechu L.F. Willd (Khair)

4. Achyranthes aspera Linn. (Puthkunda, Chirchitta, Latjira)

5. Aconitum heterophyllum Wall. (Attis)

6. Adhatoda vasica Nees (Adulasa)

7. Aegle marmelos Correa Ex Roxb. (Bale)

8. Albizia odoratissima Benth. (Black Siris or Ceylon Rosewood/ Kala Siris)

9. Allium sativum Linn. (Garlic)

10. Aloe vera Toun Ex Linn. (Aloe)

11. Alstonia scholaris R. Br. (Devil's Tree)

12. Anacardium occidental Linn. (Cashew)

13. Andrographis paniculata Nees. (King of Bitters)

14. Apium graveolens Linn. (Celery)

15. Areca catechu Linn. (Areca-Nut/Betel-Nut Palm)

16. Asparagus racemosus Willd. (Shatavari)

17. Atropa belladonna Linn. (Belladonna/ Indian Atropa)

18. Bacopa monnieri (Linn.) Pennell (Barami)

19. Balsamodendron myrrha (Bol / Bal)

20. Bambusa arundinacea Retz. Willd. (Bans)

21. Bergenia ligulata Wall. (Pashanabheda)

22. Boerhaavia diffusa Linn. (Gadahpurna)

23. Bombax malabaricum Dc. (Shaalmali)

24. Butea monosperma Lam. / Erythrina Monosperma Lam. (Flame of the Forest)

25. Cassia angustifolia Vahl. (Senna)

26. Cassia fistula Linn. (Amaltas /Indian Laburnum)

27. Cassia tora Linn. (Chakunda)

28. Catharanthus roseus (L.) G. Don. (Sadabahar)

29. Caesalpinia bonduc (Linn.) Roxb. (Kantkarej)

30. Chamomilla recutita (German Chamomile)

31. Chlorophytum borivillionam (Safed Musli)

32. Cinchona sp. (Cinchona)

33. Cinnamomum sp. (Cinnamon)

34. Coleusforskohlii (Willd.) Briq. (Pathar-Choor or Pashan Bhadi)

35. Comiphora wightii Arn. (Guggal)

36. Costus speciosus (Koen. Ex Retz.) (Kebu or Keyu)

37. Curcuma angustifolia Roxb. (Tikhur)

38. Cymbopogon martinii (Roxb.) Wats (Rusa Grass)

39. Cyperus scariosus R. Br. (Nagar-Motha)

40. Embelia ribes Burm. F. (Vayvidamg, Bhabhiramg)

41. Datura sp. (Datura)

42. Digitalis sp. (Tilpushpi)

43. Dioscorea sp. (Greater Yam/ Asiatic Yam)

44. Duboisia myoporoides (Corkwood Tree)

45. Elettaria cardamomum Maton. (Cardamom)

46. Eucalyptus sp. (Eucalyptus)

47. Fagopyrum esculentum Moench. (Buckwheat)

48. Ficus bengalensis Linn. (Banyan Tree)

49. Ficus glomerata Roxb. / F. Racemora Linn. (Gular Fig)

50. Foeniculum vulgare Mill. (Saunf)

51. Gloriosa superba Linn. (Glory Lily)

52. Glycyrrhize glabra Linn. (Mulhatti)

53. Grewia tilifolia Vahl. (Bhimal /Grewia)

54. Hemidesmus indicus (Linn.) R. Br. (Anantamul)

55. Hyoscyamus niger Linn. (Henbane/ Khurasani-Ajvayan)

56. Jatropha curcas L. (Ratanjyot)

57. Lawsonia inermis Linn. (Mehandi)

58. Lepidium sativum L. (Chandrasur)

59. Leptadenia reticulata W. & A. (Jivanti)

60. Mentha arvensis Linn. (Pudina)

61. Mucuna pruriens Bak. (Kawanch)

62. Murraya koenijii Linn. (Spr English/ Curry Leaf Tree)

63. Oxystelma secamone Linn. (Dudhialata)

64. Ocimum basilicum L. (Tulsi)

65. Phyllanthus emblica Linn. (Indian Gooseberry/ Amla)

66. Picrorhiza kurroa Royle Ex Benth (Kutaki)

67. Pimento dioica (Linn.) Merrill (Allspice)

68. Piper longum Linn. (Pipli)

69. Plantago ovata Forsk (Isaphgol)

70. Psoralea corylifolia Linn. (Babchi)

71. Rosa sp. (Gulab)

72. Saraca indica Linn. (Ashok)

73. Saussurea lappa, C. B. Clarke (Kuth)

74. Silybum marianum Linn. (Holy Thistle)

75. Strychnos nuxvomica Linn. (Kuchala)

76. Terminalia arjuna Roxb. Pentaptera arjuna Roxb. (Arjun)

77. Terminalia bellerica Roxb. Myrobalans bellerica Gaertn. (Bahera /Belleric Myrobalan)

78. Terminalia chebula Retz. (Harara/ Chebulicmyrobalan)

79. Tinospora cordifolia (Willd) Miers. (Giloe)

80. Tribulus terrestris L. (Gokharu)

81. Trigonella foenum-graecum Linn. (Fenugreek)

82. Valeriana sp. (Tagar)

83. Vitex negundo Linn. (Nirgandi)

84. Withania somnifera Dunal. (Ashwagandha)

85. Zingiber officinale rose (Ginger)

Section III - Additional Information

1. Glossary

2. Appendix

3. Agro-Techniques for Different Medicinal Plants

4. Conversion Tables

5. Fertilizer Contents

6. Sulphur Fertilizers

7. Various Compounds with Nutrient Content

8. Nutrient Content of Non-Conventional Green Manures

9. Comparison Between Chemical Fertilizers and Biofertilizers

10. Microorganisms Used as Bioferilizers

11. Comparison of the Available Mineral Elements in the Cast of Earthworms and in the Upper Layer of Ploughed Soil

12. Nutrient Status of Some Industrial Wastes

13. Crop Residue Potential

14. Average Nutrient Content of Some Common Farm Residues

15. Few B iodynamic Preparations

16. Nutrient Potential of Green Manures

17. Important Web Sites for Medicinal Plants

18. E-Mail and Postal Office Address Related to Medicinal Plants

19. Addresses of Eco-Friendly Farming

20. Resources for Vermicompost

21. Agencies/ Individuals Working On Organic Farming in India

22. State Medicinal Plants Board