Irrigation Engineering And Hydraulic Structures by S. K. Sharma
Book Summary:
Irrigation Engineering and Hydraulic Structures comprehensively deals with all aspects of Irrigation in India, soil moisture and different types of irrigation systems including but not limited to Sprinkler, Tubewell, Canal and Micro-Irrigation.
The book also focuses on Engineering Hydrology, Dams, Water Power Engineering as well as Irrigation Water Management. Special care has been taken to highlight the principles, practices and design procedures that have been widely recommended as well as suggest improvements in the application of existing methods and adoption of latest techniques used in other parts of the world.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Engineering Students.
Salient Feature:
1. Complete syllabi coverage of major Indian Universities, NIT's, IIT's, A.M.I.E and the like.
2. Detailed designs of important hydraulic structures which are worked out with the help of illustrations.
3. Objective type questions which are added at the end of each chapter followed by review questions.
4. Illustration of the text with 600+ line diagrams, 200+ tables and solved problems.
Table of Content:
1. Irrigation and its Planning in India
2. Irrigation Soils and their Fertility
3. Principal Crops in India
4. Soil-Water-Plant Relationships
5. Irrigation Water - Its Application and Assessment
6. Sprinkler Irrigation
7. Micro-irrigation (Drip/Trickle etc.)
8. Ground Water (Open Wells)
9. Tubewell Irrigation
10. Canal Irrigation
11. Unlined Canals - Silt Theories
12. Unlined Canals - Their Planning and Design
13. Lined Canals and their Design
14. Lift Irrigation
15. Water logging
16. Drains
17. Land Reclamation
18. River Engineering
19. River Training Works
20. Theories of Seepage
21. Diversion Headworks
22. Design of Weir/Barrage and Canal Head Regulator
23. Canal Regulators
24. Canal Falls
25. Cross-drainage Works
26. Canal Outlets
27. Engineering Hydrology
28. Gravity Dams
29. Arch Dams
30. Buttress Dams
31. Earth and Rockfill Dams
32. Spillways
33. Energy Dissipators
34. Water Power Engineering
35. Irrigation Water Management