International Business Environment by Mrs. Kiran Jotwani, Mrs. Shraddha Omkar Chavan
Book Summary:
International Business conducts business transactions all over the world. These transactions include the transfer of goods, services, technology, managerial knowledge, and capital to other countries. The field of International Business is very dynamic, characterised by continuous changes in its variables which have a deep impact on the structure and nature of the global economy. It thus gives us a feeling of immense pleasure and gratitude when placing before the students of MBA and other esteemed readers, the book of International Business Environment. The book is organised in a way that mirrors the revised syllabi of the MBA programme offered. However the book will also serve the needs of most students of International Business Environment. The subject matter is supported with suitable examples. The text has evolved out of the teaching experience, student interactions, various available text books, journals and magazines on the subject.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for management students.