Industrial Management And Organisational Behaviour by Prof. K. K. Ahuja
Book Summary:
The book "Industrial Management and Organisational Behaviour" deals with human aspects of management as well as various other aspects of scientific management. The significance and importance of scientific management are being increasingly felt because of the ever-growing industrial and social activities. There are no two opinions about it that unless these activities are systematically and timely organized and rationally managed, the modern society is going to face complexities and complications.
The audience of the Book :
This book is Useful for Industrial Engineering students.
Key Features:
Table of Contents:
1. Evolution of Management
2. Management science thoughts of various management school
3. Functions of management
4. Effective communication and managerial skills
5. Management and socio-economic change
6. Evolution of industry
7. Business strategy and strategic thinking
8. Organisational planning
9. Human resources
10. Human resources planning
11. Function of human resource management
12. Material management and material handling
13. Production planning control and function
14. The Trade Union Act, 1926
15. Industrial dispute Act, 1947