Human Anatomy And Physiology

Human Anatomy And Physiology

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Product Specifications

Publisher Nirali Prakashan All Nursing books by Nirali Prakashan
ISBN 9788185790176
Author: Dr. S. B. Bhise, Dr. A. V. Yadav
Number of Pages 177
Edition Twenty Nine Edition
Available in all digital devices
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Human Anatomy And Physiology by Dr. S. B. Bhise, Dr. A. V. Yadav
Book Summary:

New Education Regulations (E. R. 1991) are being implemented from this year. The subject of Human Anatomy and Physiology has only marginal changes. Those changes have been incorporated in this new book edition. We have also tried to cover the syllabus of B.Sc. Nursing.

We hope that students and staff of teachers will welcome the book with same enthusiasm as the earlier one. If there are any shortcomings or suggestions for future improvements, the authors will be very happy to receive constructive criticism from any quarters

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for diploma in Pharmacy students.
Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. The Cell

3. The Tissues

4. The Skeleton

5. The Blood

6. The Lymphatic System

7. The Cardiovascular System

8. The Respiratory System

9. The Urinary System

10. Skeletal Muscles

11. The Central Nervous System

12. The Special Senses

13. The Digestive System

14. Nutrition

15. The Endocrine System

16. The Reproductive System


I. Haematology

II. Clinical Human Physiology

III. Urine Analysis

IV. Practice in First Aid

V. Methods of Contraception

VI. Surgical Instruments

Glossary of Important Terms