How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature

How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature

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Product Specifications

Publisher TERI Press All Class 5 Science books by TERI Press
ISBN 9788179935460
Author: Arshi Ahmad
Print Enabled 15%
Number of Pages 48
Available in all digital devices
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How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature - Page 1 How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature - Page 2 How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature - Page 3 How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature - Page 4 How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature - Page 5

How do plants make food? How do animals sleep through winter? How do seasons change? Find out the answers to these questions and more as How come? How so? That's how things happen: the magical mysteries of nature takes you to nature's laboratory and brings alive the magic of nature and its processes.


How do plants make food?
How do plants store food?
How do plants breathe?
How do plants drink water?
How do plants protect themselves?
How do plants disperse their seeds?
How do plants reproduce?
How do fish breathe in water?
How does a caterpillar turn into a butterfly?
How do living creatures depend on each other?
How do animals protect themselves from enemies?
How do animals live in very hot and cold places?
How do animals sleep the winter away?
How do birds fly distances?
How are baby animals born?
How does day turn into night?
How do the seasons change?
How is lightning formed?
How does water go around in a cycle?
Fun with clues