Inventions have changed our world beyond imagination from the simple mechanical clock to the television, telephone, computer, and microscope. Learn how it all began, where, when, and who were the pioneers in this book.
How did we learn to make fire?
How did we learn to tell time?
How did we learn to cross the oceans?
How did we find and use metals?
How did we learn to make lamps?
How did we find ways to see ourselves?
How did we invent concrete?
How did we learn to get power from steam?
How did we invent calculators?
How did we invent the battery?
How did we invent the refrigerator?
How did we invent plumbing?
How did we invent paper?
How did we invent money?
How did we learn to communicate long distance?
How did we invent the toothbrush?
How did we learn to sew?
How did we invent aerated soft drinks?
How did we invent hearing aids?
Make a paper bag