How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena

How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena

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Product Specifications

Publisher TERI Press All Class 5 Science books by TERI Press
ISBN 9788179935484
Author: Rekha Shipurkar
Print Enabled 15%
Number of Pages 48
Available in all digital devices
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How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena - Page 1 How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena - Page 2 How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena - Page 3 How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena - Page 4 How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena - Page 5

Ever wondered about the perennial mysteries of nature? How do the northern lights produce their colourful display? How do meteor showers occur? How do leaves turn red? Get transported to a magical and wonderful world, as How come? How so? That's how mysterious events occur: the mind-boggling natural phenomena unravels these secrets.


How does a rainbow appear?
How does quicksand form?
How are mud volcanoes formed?
How does ball lightning occur?
How is a mirage formed?
How do we see the will-o-the-wisp?
How does a whirlpool swirl?
How do leaves change colour in autumn?
How do the polar skies light up at night?
How do eclipses occur?
How do shooting stars appear?
How does St Elmos fire set the sky aglow?
How are blue holes formed?
How do geysers and hot springs occur?
How do sand dunes sing?
How do object defy gravity on mystery hills?
How does it rain fishes and frogs?
How does a day last for six months at the poles?
How do birds block out the Sun?
Let's make a rainbow