होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा

होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा

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Product Specifications

Publisher V&S Publishers All Hindi books by V&S Publishers
ISBN 9789352150908
Author: Swami Ramesh Chandra Shukla
Number of Pages 162
Available in all digital devices
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होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा - Page 1 होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा - Page 2 होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा - Page 3 होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा - Page 4 होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा - Page 5

होमियोपैथी चिकित्सा by Swami Ramesh Chandra Shukla
Book Summary:

Today's modern lifestyle is causing many unintended diseases, including diabetes, blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer etc. to the people.These are all stress-related diseases. The cure or permanent solution to it is not in allopathy, it is homeopathy.Homoeopathic therapy is less expensive and easier than medical treatment (Patients). From the point of view of convenience and safety, homeopathy is also available for common people.Today's doctors write expensive tests in the treatment of patients, but such investigations in homeopathic medicine are not given special significance.The possibility of side effects is not equal in this method (T). Smaller treatments in allopathy are also expensive and complex. You can go to any hospital, you may have to be frustrated due to lack of satisfactory treatment, but if you are taking homeopathic treatmnet for the disease it will not only be satisfactory but also cost you less.In the book, the details of 77 major medicines of homeopathy related to the treatment of chronic diseases, ranging from cold-fever, fever etc to incurable diseases, have been described in the study.The use of homeopathic medicine is very effective in the diagnosis of pediatric as well as in infants. Homeopathy has given patients permanent immunity from surgery in many diseases like piles, pestis and other diseases. All of these cures are accurate and there is a problem.Autobiography of Homeopathic Medicine Two books of C. Shukla are written by Shalvahanand to Dandek Chattanlanshand and Shetmapapa Dandak. The composition of Sajmatadanjapam has been appreciated by the people.

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Leisure Read.