Genetics With Practicals by Prof. S. S. Patole, Dr. V. R. Borane, Dr. R. K. Petare
Book Summary:
We feel great pleasure in bringing out this book. The book has been written according to revised syllabus of Kavayatri Bahinabai chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon for S.Y.B.Sc., ZOO - 401 : Genetics which is implemented form June 2019.
Each topic has been written in a very simple and lucid language to enable the students to understand the subject thoroughly. There are many figures with description. The questions in the exercises have been complied taking into consideration the academic background of students. We hope that the text will be equally appreciated by the students and the teachers.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B.Sc. Student.
Table of Content:
Unit 1 : Introduction to Genetics
Unit 2 : Mendelian Genetics and its Extension
Unit 3: Linkage, Crossing over and Chromosomal mapping
Unit 4: Mutations
Unit 5: Sex determination
Practicals on Genetics
1. Study of Mendelian Inheritance and gene interactions (Non-Mendelian Inheritance) using suitable examples. Verify the results using Chi-square test.
2. Study of Linkage, recombination, gene mapping using the data.
3. Study of human karyotypes (Normal and abnormal)