Genetic Engineering

Genetic Engineering

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Product Specifications

Publisher SChand Publications All Biomedical Engineering books by SChand Publications
ISBN 9788121931908
Author: P S Verma
Number of Pages 159
Available in all digital devices
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Genetic Engineering
Book Summary:

Genetic Engineering is a sub-discipline of biotechnology. According to Prof. Kannan (2003) in Genetic Engineering, one adds, substracts, multiplies, or divides a gene, which in turn, changes the levels of a protein which may in turn changes the levels of carbohydrates and lipids. A classical biotechnologist first used nature’s biofactories (cells) to make products such as curd, ethanol, penicillin, insulin, etc. Modern biotechnology on the contrary is making cells, doing jobs which they have never done before. An instance being bacteria producing human insulin (the humulin).

Key Features:

The main features of the book are as follows:

1. A classical biotechnologist first used nature’s biofactories (cells) to make products such as curd, ethanol, penicillin, insulin, etc. Modern biotechnology on the contrary is making cells, doing jobs which they have never done before.

2. It will also serve the purpose of the students of B.Sc. (Hons.), M.Sc. Zoology, Botany, Microbiology and Biotechnology. Students preparing for Medical entrance exams, I.F.S., P.C.S. and I.A.S., etc. would also be benefited by this book.

Table of Contents:

1. Basic Principles of Gene Cloning

2. Enzymes of Genetic Engineering

3. Gene Cloning Vectors

4. Genetic Engineering (Isolation,Sequencing and Synthesis of Gene)

5. Genetic Engineering and Future

6. Genomic Mapping

7. Genomics, Bioinformatics and Proteomics