Emerging Trend In Civil Engineering by Mukesh Narendra Gangrade, Prathmesh Vilas Patil
Book Summary:
We are presenting this book entitled as A Text Book of "Emerging trends in Civil Engineering" for the students of polytechnic colleges preparing for Diploma in Civil Engineering Semester VI as per 'I' scheme of M.S.B.T.E.. The object of this book is to present the subject matter in the most concise, compact, to the point and in lucid manner.
"Emerging trends in Civil Engineering" subject is offered by MSBTE as Subject to the Third Year Civil Engineering Group. Civil Engineering sector has completed number of projects with conventional techniques to meet the needs of the society. But, in recent two decades, various new innovative techniques are being used worldwide, which our practicing engineers, are also partially using to achieve their goals. The emerging trends in Civil Engineering help to complete the undertaken projects within prescribed schedule, saves the natural resources and to make the projects eco-friendly. This subject helps to make awareness about soft computing techniques, new materials, advanced machineries, sustainable resource management and advancement in Civil Engineering. A separate appendix is prepared to cover list of microproejcts.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Civil Engineering Students.
Table of Content:
1. Soft Computing Techniques
2. Recent Construction Materials
3. Latest Tools and Equipments
4. Sustainable Resource Management
5. Advancement in Construction