The subject matter has been presented with illustrations at every juncture,which could be appreciated by the readers.
This book also incorporates information on measurement of 'Personality of an individual by using 16 P.F. test, 'Perception' by using selection and grouping test, 'Emotion' by using facial expression tests, 'Learning' by using transfer of training method test intelligence by using Raven's progressive matrices test and practical aspects studied with regard to personality, perception, emotion, frustration, intelligence, motivation, learning and forgetting of farmers in villages.
The material presented in this book is highly useful to the students, research scholars, teachers, planners, administrations, extension workers, who are engaged in reading, teaching and doing research on psychological aspects.
This book Useful for Agriculture students.
The main features of the book are as follows:
1.Each topic has been thoroughly described, the theory is rigorously developed.
2.The book also contains advanced problems useful for competitive examinations.
1. Psychology.
2. Education psychology.
3. Methods of study of psychology.
4. Human development.
5. Personality.
6. Perception.
7. Emotions.
8. Frustration.
9. Intelligence.
10. Motivation.
11. Learning.
12. Forgetting.
13. Knowledge, skill, attitudes and their relation with different psychological aspects.
14. Research findings on psychological aspects. 15. Practicals. Bibliography.
Subject index.