Mastering Computer Algorithm is not only essential but also is the requirement for any computer expert. Without having expertise in development of any program one can not be called a true “Computer Master”.
A Computer Science & Engineering student always strives towards his long journey through first step of mastering algorithm. To develop a computer application, student must start from various phases of algorithm, viz. the Nature, Design, Techniques, Development, Testing and Analysis of algorithm. This book encompasses every aspect of algorithm such as properties of algorithm, expressing and classification of algorithm, life cycle of algorithm, types of analysis and specification of algorithm.
The book has been written in a very simple language which helps the student to grasp the content easily. It covers all the facets of algorithm with suitable examples which all lacking in most of the contemporary text available. A chapter on Data Structure is also included as it is prerequisite for the development of algorithm. This book has been written to meet the course on analysis and design of algorithm of computer engineering curriculum for the graduate and postgraduate students. The book is especially useful for the practicing programmers.
The book encompasses every aspect for algorithm such as properties of algorithm, expressing and classification of algorithm, life cycle of algorithm, type of analysis and specification of algorithm.