Database Management Systems by Dr. Ms. Manisha Bharambe, Abhijeet D. Mankar
Book Summary:
We take an opportunity to present this Text Book on "Database Management System" to the students of First Semester B.B.A. (Computer Applications). The objective of this book is to present the subject matter in a most concise, compact, to the point and lucid manner. This book aims at clarifying and explaining the fundamental concepts of designing and implementing databases, which is helpful throughout the life time as a student and professional.
Extensive exercises and numerous case studies are provided at the end of each chapter, which helps to develop the skills of database application design and implementation. Without normalization database is of no use. This book clears the concept and enhance the ability of designing normalized database.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Management Students.
Table of Content:
1. File Structure and Organization
2. Database Management System
3. Relational Model
4. SQL (Structured Query Language)
5. Relational Database Design