Creative Society: Prospects For India by Pradip N. Khandwalla
Book Summary:
My earliest book on creativity, titled Fourth Eye: Excellence through Creativity, published in the 1980s, contained a chapter on creative societies. Subsequently, I wrote two other books on creativity: Lifelong Creativity on individual creativity and Corporate Creativity on enterprise creativity. I wanted to complete a trilogy by writing a book on societal creativity, but kept on postponing this for nearly a decade. Finally I perked up the courage to write a book on the design of a creative society. I knew this venture would take me far afield from my comfort zone of management expertise. Luckily, I had, in the meantime, written a book on innovative government, and so I could draw ideas from that effort in writing about the design of a creative society, since government so powerfully influences what happens in a society. However, I still had to read extensively on creative communities, educational institutions, civil society institutions, and so forth, since they too are vital ingredients of a creative society.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Management Student.
Table of Content:
1. DNA of Creative Societies
2. Sparkle of Creativity
3. Nurturance of Creativity and Its Forms
4. Hereditary Communities: From Traditionalism to Creativity
5. Management of Enterprise Creativity
6. Educating for Creativity
7. Innovative Government through New Public Management
8. Creative Civil Society Institutions and Their Management
9. Creative Society: Enhancing the Prospects for India