Cost Accounting (For B.Com, BBA, BBM And BMS) by Minaxi Rachchh, Gunvantrai A. Rachchh
Book Summary:
This book provides comprehensive coverage of the topics in simple and lucid style. Due consideration has been given on practical questions. Variety of problems on each topic has also been included.
The special features of this book are two pronged, firstly, in each topic the practical illustrations are divided into different types to understand the topic easily and secondly, in each chapter, theoretical questions are given with answers.
This book is divided into two parts; first part covers the theory and the problems on each topic and second part covers problems with solution for every chapter.
This book has been specially designed to help the students and readers to understand and get acquainted with practical application of each topic. This book adopts the approach/s for solving the problems as mentioned in the syllabus. A large number of problems have been solved, keeping in view the difficulties encountered by the students in understanding the subject. Problems have been framed to suit the requirements of the examinations keeping in view the trend followed. Hence simple, brief yet difficult problems expected in the subject and the level of knowledge expected of the students has been kept in mind while framing the problems. Our experience in practical and academic field helps us to give our best to the students and reader. Exercises at the end of each chapter have been provided which would help the students to develop sufficient confidence in facing the examinations. It is earnestly hoped that the students preparing for the examination on the subject would find it most useful and would be immensely benefited. The teachers would find it as a good companion book for their reference and discussion in the class.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Commerce And Management
Sailent Feature:
1. Nature of Business Ethics its Evolution and Values
2. Indian Ethos, Indian Values in Businesses and Work-Life Balance
3. Corporate Mission Statement, Code of Ethics and Organisational Culture including
4. Gandhian Philosophy of Wealth Management, Philosophy of Trusteeship and Seven
Social Sins
5. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) including responsibilities of Business Houses
and Stake Holders and Social Audit
Table of Contents:
1. Introduction to Cost Accounting
2. Material Costs
3. Labour Cost
4. Cost Sheet
5. Reconciliation of Cost and Financial Accounts
6. Solved Questions for Practice