Children's Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries

Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries

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Product Specifications

Publisher V&S Publishers All Class 8 books by V&S Publishers
ISBN 9789352150410
Author: Manasvi Vohra
Number of Pages 125
Available in all digital devices
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Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries - Page 1 Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries - Page 2 Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries - Page 3 Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries - Page 4 Children\'s Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries - Page 5

Children's Encyclopedia - Scientists, Inventions And Discoveries by Manasvi Vohra
Book Summary:

The present book, Scientists Inventions and Discoveries is one among the five books of the series, Children’s Encyclopedia – The World of Knowledge. The book has been broadly divided into two parts- Part-I: The brief life histories and salient contributions of some well-known Scientists like Archimedes, Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Galileo, Newton, Louis Pasteur, Michael Faraday, Marie Curie, Thomas Alva Edison and many more. The second part or Part II emphasises on some major Inventions and Breakthroughs in the scientific world, such as: Bacteria, Vitamins, Vaccines, Aeroplane, Electricity, Cinema, Steam Engine and so on which have revolutionised and transformed the human life completely.

Therefore dear readers, grab the book as soon as you can, for it’s a treasure trove of knowledge and information, and if you happen to be a school student, you can even use it as a reference book or guide. Happy Reading and Learning too!

Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Competitive Exams.
Table of Contents:


1. Archimedes

2. Alexander Graham Bell

3. Albert Einstein

4. Benjamin Franklin

5. Charles Robert Darwin

6. Galileo Galilee

7. George Eastman

8. Sir Isaac Newton

9. Louis Pasteur

10. Michael Faraday

11. Marie Curie

12. Thomas Alva Edison

13. S. Chandrashekhar

14. Dr. Vikram Sarabhai

15. Sir Jagdish Chandra Bose

16. Sir C.V. Raman

Inventions & Discoveries

1. Bacteria

2. Vitamins

3. Rabies Vaccine

4. Penicillin

5. Aeroplane

6. Electricity

7. Cinema

8. Electric Bulb

9. Fountain Pen

10. Printing Press

11. Television

12. Transformer

13. Steam Engine

14. Telephone

15. Electric Motor

16. Exercises & Glossary