Chemical Reaction and Reactor Engineering Vol I by Vinra Publication
Book Summary:
Encyclopedia of Chemical and Biochemical Reactors and Process Control covers chemical and biochemical reactors and process control. Process control is an engineering discipline that deals with architectures, mechanisms, and algorithms for maintaining the output of a specific process within a desired range. For instance, the temperature of a chemical reactor may be controlled to maintain a consistent product output. It aims at studying and optimizing chemical reactions in order to define the best reactor design. Hence, the interactions of flow phenomena, mass transfer, heat transfer, and reaction kinetics are of prime importance in order to relate reactor performance to feed composition and operating conditions. This content is divided into eight chapters.
The audience of the Book :
This book is Useful for Chemical Engineering and Biochemical Engineering students.
Table of Content:
1. Experimental Investigation and Computational Validation
of Thermal Stratification in Piping Systems of PWR Reactors.
2. Isothermal Phase Transformation of U-Zr-Nb Alloys
for Advanced Fuels...
3. Probabilistic Safety Assessment Applied to Research Reactors.
4. Nuclear Power as a Basis for Future Electricity
Production in the World: Generation III and IV Reactors.
5. Multilateral Approach to Fuel Cycles.
6. LWR Safety Analysis and Licensing and Implications
for Advanced Reactors.
7. LWR Safety Analysis and Licensing and Implications
for Advanced Reactors.
8. Research on Severe Accidents in Nuclear Power Plants.