Banking And Finance - II (Fundamental Of Banking - II) by Dr. (Ms.) Girija Shankar, Mr. Vivek Datar
Book Summary:
This book on Banking and Finance has come out of our several years of teaching Banking to the students. It has been written in a simple and lucid manner. An effort has been made to enhance clarity about the concepts in Banking through tree diagrams and appropriate explanations.
Banking and Finance sectors are fast evolving and witnessing a transformational change. Banks are the backbone of all activities, because every transaction where money is involved, the bank is the main character. This book is an attempt to offer to students a fundamental tool which will enhance their understanding of banking business.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for B.Com Students.
Table of Content:
1. Lending Principles and Balance Sheet of a Bank
2. Negotiable Instruments
3. Endorsement
4. Technology in Banking