Applied Geology by D. V. Reddy
Book Summary:
Applied Geology is a multidisciplinary subject that interacts with other disciplines, such as mineralogy, petrology, structural geology, hydrogeology, seismic engineering, rock engineering, soil mechanics, geophysics, remote sensing (RS-GIS-GPS), environmental geology, etc. This book, entitled Applied Geology, is the only one of its kind in the Indian market that caters to the needs of all these subjects. This book covers all aspects of Applied Geology and includes a plethora of examples and case studies relevant to the Indian context for better understanding of the geological challenges faced by engineers.
Audience of the Book :
This book Useful for Geology Students.
Key Features:
1. Provides a comprehensive study of earth sciences
2. Discusses the site selection, design and construction of civil engineering structures in detail
3. Includes case studies of geological problems in civil engineering projects
4. Contains a number of illustrations to support the text
5. Provides statistical inputs
6. Includes previous years question papers
Table of Contents:
1. Engineering Geology
2. Crystallography and Mineralogy
3. Petrology
4. Structural Geology
5. Weathering of Rocks
6. Soil
7. Geological Work of Rivers
8. Geological Work of Oceans
9. Ground Water
10. Tips on Earthquake Resistant Design and Construction
11. Site Investigating Techniques for Civil Engineering Projects
12. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System
13. Investigations for Major Dams and Reservoirs
14. Tunnels and Underground Excavations
15. Landslides and Mass Movement
16. Buildings
17. Stratigraphy of India: Economic and Engineering Significance